
The Rainbow Warriors

Dear sisters and brothers.

In the past year I have received many connections and intuitive messages about rainbow energy. I ended up connecting with a legend, prophesied by several indigenous tribes that talk about a time when the Earth would be dying, almost destroyed, when what they called the “Rainbow Tribe”, people of all cultures who would seek to restore the ancient wisdom, long forgotten by modern civilization, help heal the earth and evolve into a higher consciousness, and they believe that time is coming, and that time is now.

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“When the land is devastated and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people will come to the land of many colors, classes, tribes and creeds, they will be in great numbers, their different magics will have arts that will defy understanding. They will come from where you don’t expect them, and by their actions, they will make the earth green again. They will come when the end seems right and they will heal the Earth. “

Rainbow Prophecy.

When I read this legend, it really touched my heart and I decided to study more deeply. I received messages that the rainbow energy had the power to integrate our entire being and heal us, reconnect us with our divine essence and higher consciousness.

Continuing my studies, I received information that in January 2020, a massive activation of planetary energy would take place on Earth at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.

At that point, the planetary solar plexus chakra located in Uluru (formerly Ayer Rock) and Kata Tjuta in Central Australia would be fully activated, and so would the Rainbow Serpent.

Aboriginal lore tells of a Dream Time ritual that was interrupted and never completed. This ritual was done to fulfill the Earth Spirit’s great plan. Once the ritual is over, ‘perfection will spread throughout the world’. In other words, this ritual will open the gate to the fourth and fifth consciousness of the world.

‘This event is symbolized by a great cosmic pole, or umbilical cord, which joins the earth to the sun. This cord is expected to begin on 1/12/2020, at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Connecting strongly with what I felt about rainbow energy.

Subsequently, I received a divine gift, I was able to travel to Uluru with my students to participate in the day when the rainbow energy is anchored. I invite those who feel in the heart to connect with us through our hearts so that on 12/01/20 we can unite as the great Rainbow Nation, with the Anangu People ceremony here at Ayer Rock, supporting them with all the love and light from our hearts, helping to heal Australia and the entire planet.

We are one.

With love,

Luciana Brito
