
Etheric Herbal Reiki

Master Teacher Level

Reiki Herbal Etheric is a system of channelling the energies of plants, drawn from the universal source of nature’s creator (this aspect called Gaia), the spiritual essence of medicinal plants and herbs. 

The energy of this system is amazing for its fast effects, often when making elixirs, we notice the taste of the plant or medicinal herb activated in the water! The system has advantageous particularities, since we can easily put the force or essence of the plant directly into a sick body organ, achieving very good results! Never forgetting that here we are talking about treatments, not miracles! So medical treatment should be associated with the energetic treatment!

The energy channeled in this system is purely spiritual, but clearly we can perceive both in the water (as an elixir) and in the body, the taste of the leaves and their energetic characteristic! Example: Pepper, in the water we perceive it as spicy and in the body extremely hot and burning! 

Mainly in the eyes and mouth! Well, some plants are strong like chilli pepper, but some are sweet, gentle and soothing like Melissa for example. Some people may have difficulty feeling the energies, others perceive them clearly. The system has many medicinal plants and the student also receives a tuning in a etheric crystal tuned with the energy of all plants. It is possible to do treatments at a distance, apply in groups of people, fill environments with energy and also do special programming. It is used with hand imposition, just like Reiki.

Examples of some plants used in this system: Basil, Garlic, Rue, Balsam, Chamomile, Horse Tail, Sweet herbs, St. George’s Sword, Oat, Guava, Guaco, Mint, Reed, Lemon, Melissa, Brazilian Orchid Tree, Viburnum, Pomegranate, Seven sorrows, Tansy, Nettle, Verbena, Guinea, Rosemary, Dieffenbachia picta, Basil, Chilli, Clove, Wormwood, Lavender, Milfoil, Boldo, Cider herb, Star anise, Cinnamon, Clove, Artemísia.

AUD 111

Course length: 4 hours in person or online + mentorship + online theory (Total 16 hours)

Extra materials to have during the course: Pendulum, notebook, pen, diary, water bottle and food.

Materials to work with after the course: Yoga mat or blanket, pillow, Reiki diary.

Pre-requirement: none

Practices prior to the course: Week prior to the course, eating light foods, drinking plenty of water, meditating.

Practices after the course: 21 days of Reiki practice and mentorship. 

Entity linked to the course: Course registered with Reiki International and MYIICT and Abrath.

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