
Rainbow Flower Quantum Healing

Course Channeled by Luciana, featuring light techniques to aid the ascension of Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and Beyond, where they will be taught how to do Mentalist Radiesthesy, kashic Reading, use of light portals, Connection to the System’s egregors, Cosmic portal tool, Rainbow Flower healing System, Star Mothers Portal, including bonus classes from partners. This course has been developed over 2 years with love through many channelings, with the support of many Partners along the way.

First Module

It includes studies of quantum dowsing and akashic reading, in tune with the work of the rainbow flower of creation.

Second Module

Use of the 6 portals of light channeled by Luciana to prepare energy work, energy treatment, harmonization with the system’s light mandalas, for individual use, group use and sacred circles.

Third Module

Study and tune in with the light egregores that we will work with the rainbow flower system of creation. Experiences with each of the egregores of our cosmic and stellar family.

Fourth Module

Use of the flower system connected with the rainbow flower of creation, activation of ascension portals and how to use the cosmic flower portal.

Fifth Module

Use of the Rainbow Cosmic Portal for individual and group treatments, sacred circles

Sixth Module

Use of symbols, language of light and sound of the heart in conjunction with the table of the 13 Pleiadian / Lemurian Mothers, for individual energetic treatments, groups, sacred circles. How to create your personal solar disc. How to tune in to your heart’s singing.

Union of knowledge from previous modules, practices and attunements with your ascension path.

Graduation tuning.

PRICE: AUD 555,00

Course duration: 12 hours, online live plus recorded classes + mentoring. (Total of 72 hours)

Material provided to the student for the course: Booklet and Certificate in PDF format + 4 Dowsing Tables, 6 Stellar Portals + Cosmic Portal + Rainbow Archway Portal + Maternal Stellar Portal in laminate or canvas + Transparent sheets with Language of Light and symbols. (Check Shipping Fee from your Country, extra materials can be ordered in fabric, canvas and 3D.)

Extra materials needed during the course: Pendulum, notebook, pen and a journal, water bottle and food.

Materials needed to work after the course: Crystals, Oracle Cards…

Prerequisite: None

Practices prior to the course: Week before the course, eat light food, drink plenty of water, meditate.

Entity associated with the course: Course registered at MYIICT and Abrath.

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