
The Power of the Word

The Sages have always taught us that our words are like arrows shot, that they have extreme power, both to create distortions and to create wonderful realities.

The Great Spirit and the Divine Mother create through sound, the breath of life, and we, as their image and likeness, also possess the power to create realities through our words.

We are in the midst of a great awakening of humanity, and we can already feel the energy around us much faster, more lovingly subtle and lighter than it has been before. These are times of change, times of remembering our true essence of light, and with that our power of creation is also much greater.

The first thing I always say is to keep daily in your heart and remember that we are the totality of our soul, not only this wonderful body, gift from Gaia, then the Prayer and Watch teaching never made so much sense, because when we pray and watch our words, thoughts and actions, and center our choices in our heart, we have the power to create the reality we long to experience, for the greater good, by expressing the deepest will of your heart.

For this, we are going through a moment of adjustment of our being, of leaving the distorted mental energy, to tune our heart and mental power, in order to use our light wisely. And just as it is sometimes light, sometimes it has been challenging, but with each blossoming, falling off the mask, we are experiencing more and more the purity of our heart and awakening the Christ Within.

Thinking about it, I intuitively received this Decree, for you to use with the power of your word, to help us stay on our path, regardless of our day-to-day experiences, to be light in any circumstance, embracing our shadows and our entire Being, and remembering that we are Sovereign Beings, that we create our own reality and that when we follow the power of love, miracles happen in our lives.

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Divine Sovereignty Decree

By my presence I Am, I seal my field in the light of the pure white golden flame and do not allow any kind of distorted energy to influence me, my home and its residents, and I ask for Archangel Michael’s blue dragons of light to envelop the me and my house in light and radiant protection from the Blue Flame of divine force, on all sides, above, below and center. I decree to be permanently involved in the light of unconditional love, wisdom and divine strength, lighting the Trina flame within my heart and guiding all my steps. My heart is one with my divine Consciousness. I am one with the Source of creation, I am the sole creator of my reality guided by my I Am Presence at all times, through My Heart and Divine Consciousness. I am Love, I am Light, I am Healing. And so it is, so it will be, So it is done.

I hope this decree can help you stay in your center.

With love,

Luciana Tworkoski and Rainbow Flower Academy team.
