Power animal or Totem, is the animal that presents itself to us energetically at different times of our life, bringing the characteristics that we need to work on.
Within Shamanism, power animal is one of the oldest and most important concepts – because it teaches us to live life and deal with situations based on the teachings of nature, being an ally on your path to your awakening.
Some people ask me why there are different ways of seeing a power animal, this is because we receive these teachings from different tribes, and they vary from place to place, such as the Choctaw, Dakota, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Seneca, Maia, Aztec, Yaki, among others.
Due to the richness of the traditions of these different cultures, we receive different views about our animal brothers as gifts.

In this way, I invite you, when an animal presents itself intuitively, through meditation, inspiration, focus on your heart and this present. And ask what message they are bringing, watch how he behaves in nature, feel the strength and energy he brings to you.
There are several rituals, usually accompanied by the rhythmic beat of the drum or other percussion instrument, in which contact with the Power Animal is established, for example, the Animal Dance, in which the shaman invokes him, adapting his posture and gestures. , until it merges with its nature.
You can communicate and summon the power animal that is in tune with you at that moment, simply by closing your eyes, breathing, centering, and asking your power animal to manifest, and live this experience with your heart and soul. .
Different animals can appear throughout their lives and at different times, the animal you need will appear. For remember, we are the I Am presence, we are divine particle, and we are one with all creation.
I invite you to feel the presence of God, your oneness with God and nature through the connection with your power animal.
Below is a list of characteristics of some animals:
Bee: It is the medicine of communication and organization. Intense and harmonious work, nectar of life. Strengthens and harmonizes groups. Evoke this medicine when you need to put your ideas and opinions. You need to put more things of the spirit in balance with your organization.
Eagle: It is the medicine of mental clarity. Enlightenment, broad vision, invoked for shamanic powers, courage, lifting the spirit to great heights. The eagle helps us to see life in a broader context, allowing us to make decisions and set goals with clarity and objectivity, to see beyond. For shamans, the eagle is always a warning of initiation, mental cleansing, the light that comes with the sunrise.
Elk: It is the medicine of self-esteem and resistance. Evoking this energy to establish priorities, self-confidence, interaction with people and skills to manage and delegate.
Antelope: It is medicine of action with caution and intelligence. Wisdom to know when to act or be quiet. We can evoke the antelope to feel these states.
Spider: It’s the creation medicine of your dreams. It carries the message that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the paths of your life, according to your free will. Evoke this medicine to inspire your creativity and weave your dreams into reality. To gain independence and courage, to break out of traps we’ve created, whether spiritual or emotional. This is the spider grandmother.
Donkey: It is the medicine of resistance and obstinacy. Great ability to make firm decisions. Fix your opinion and know how to say no when necessary.
Whale: It is the medicine of records and ancestral wisdom. The ancient records of mother earth. Access your subconscious to explore your story. Evoking this energy also to relieve your tensions and preserve your physical body. Connection with the universal mind.
Hummingbird: He is the messenger of healing. The hummingbird encourages us to find the sweetness and joy of every situation. It brings softness to soften emotional conflicts. Evoke for happiness, for good luck and beauty. For some Brazilian Natives it represents the Presence of God, of the Creator.
Ox: It’s the medicine of independence. Fight honestly for what is yours and thus feel better the taste of your conquests. The ox warns you to stop being stubborn. You need to move your body. Don’t expect others to do everything for you. Sleep less, move and meditate. Have more Flexibility.
Butterfly: It is the medicine of transformation. It inspires us to transform difficult moments into growth and evolution. Evoke this medicine to help us in our internal and external development for new stages of our life. Live every moment of your life aware of the cycle of self-transformation.
Buffalo: It is the medicine of spirituality, ancestral wisdom. Evoke in prayers so that prayers are answered. It works on our inner peace and detachment. For North American Indians, the buffalo is considered the most sacred animal, a symbol of full abundance. Connection with the Creator.
Goat: It’s the medicine of determination to go ahead. Overcome obstacles, overcome difficulties and continue on your path towards the light, your higher self. Evoke this energy to nourish yourself in a good mood and resilience.
Dog: It’s the medicine of loyalty, of unconditional love. Are you being true to yourself, your ideals and your values? Evoke for protection and decision making.
Camel: It’s the medicine of tolerance. Break your self-resistance and feel more alive. Summon to gain patience and manage resources.
Kangaroo: It is the Medicine of maternal strength and protection and courage. Evoke when you feel fragile, when your inner child needs security and stability. Adapt to new situations and jump away from confusion.
Capybara: It is the medicine of fertility and motherhood. Can be summoned for water skills. Team work.
Ham: It is the medicine of trust and attention. Walk more attentively. Evoke this energy to have more purity, meekness and let the ram lead you towards your dreams.
Castor: It is the medicine of the builder and maker of the animal kingdom. He teaches us the great lesson of doing. It also brings a strong sense of family and home. With the beaver we learn to build our lives with security, joy and strategy. Summon when you need alternatives. In building its home, the beaver always leaves many alternative escape routes to itself. In practice, it’s a lesson for all of us, so we don’t get stuck in a blind alley. There is always a way out in life. Use new channels of thought. With the energy of this animal, women develop a stronger side and men a sweeter side.
Horse: It is the medicine of personal power, Shamanic Journeys and the gift of clairvoyance. Evoke for freedom of spirit, to increase your inner power. Help us to become independent. It is linked to astral projection and teaches us to share our knowledge on the path of beauty.
WINGED HORSE: Desire for elevation, transmutation, beauty, astral travel, new adventures, mystery, fascination.
CENTAUR: You are now ready for healings, but continue to be humble. Watch your mouth, hurry and exaggeration. Go slow. Animal instinct, human-animal bond, anarchy, sexuality, fertility, healing knowledge (Chiron).
Swan: It is the medicine of intuition, grace and beauty. Evoke to gently navigate your consciousness, developing your intuition or premonition.
KOALA AND SLOTH: Dedicate yourself more to your studies, you have a lot of baggage to be awakened. So use it for your own benefit, pick up the pace.
Snake / Serpent: It is the medicine of transmutation. It is a symbol of healing and sensuality. It is associated with rebirth. The snake knows that it will have to shed its skin and let go of old habits. Evoking snake medicine to adapt to life’s changes, for our regeneration and spiritual elevation.
Rabbit / Hare: It is fertility and growth medicine. It is considered by indigenous peoples the symbol of sustenance. Invoke for abundance, growth and prosperity. The rabbit teaches us to be more careful.
Coyote: It is the medicine of good humor, optimism and malice. It symbolizes the ability for you not to stray from the joy of life. Summon for success, when you need to get out of a problem. He encourages us to renew our innocence so that we can laugh more at the sacred irreverence of life.
Condor: It is the medicine of taking flight, with the attributes of the eagle. It represents the upper world. Fly further, get out of the rut. Take it one step further.
Owl: It is the medicine of occult skills, wisdom and magic. She can see what we don’t see. She is known as the night eagle on native medicinal wheels. Evoke when you want to know the unexplored areas of consciousness. It has psychic powers and asks us to observe better and pay more attention.
Raven: It’s the medicine of magic. Help with ceremonies. Ancient native chiefs say that the crow sees the past, the present and the future simultaneously. The crow immerses itself in light and shadow, seeing both internal and external realities. The crow’s primal path is about being mindful of your opinions and actions. Be willing to put what you say into action. Balance your past, present and future in the now.
Dragon: Can work both density and subtlety. If you use it for evil, one day it will burn you and abandon you, removing all power animals from your life, leaving you totally without protection. All darkness will take over and you can become mentally ill. Virile potency and strength, protection, kundalini, heat, messenger of happiness, lord of rain, fertilization, vital force.
Elephant: It is the medicine of intelligence, of ancestral memory. It is necessary to change the routine and stop always walking in the same path. Invest in yourself, in your strength, in your self-sufficiency. The elephant goes ahead, knocking down all obstacles, so you can pass without fear. It symbolizes intelligence, healing, protection and longevity.
White Elephant: Associate with shamanism and buddhic healing work such as Reiki, Acupuncture, Medicine and all the knowledge of the masters of the East. Strength, kindness, choice of paths, extraterrestrial connections, mystery.
Squirrel: It’s the medicine of planning, looking to the future. The main mission that the squirrel gives us is to preserve our energy, reserve ourselves for when we need it. Fun and future plans.
Sturgeon: Try to be more determined in your goals. Lose the fear of the river, learn to swim against the currents, don’t walk in the corners of the rivers, as you could end up becoming the prey of eagles and bears. Determination, sexuality, consistency, depth, teaching.
Falcon: It is the medicine of the great messenger, in life and in dreams. Evoke to learn to look around you and be attentive to the details, to see and see the details. It is the great spirit sending messages to be deciphered.
Phoenix: Rebirth, fascination, Sun animal, soul immortality, elevation, purification.
Ant: It is the medicine of patience, strategy and cooperation. It is the symbol of a job well done, of resistance. Success through the effort of the perfect community. She brings together the power of five animals: the aggressiveness of the badger, the organization of the bee, the stamina of the moose, the strength of the lion and the building power of the beaver.
Seagull: It is the medicine of freedom par excellence. Change in communication. Summon to make connection with the fairy kingdom, water spirits, to work in other dimensions. Evoke to clear certain areas of our life.
Rooster: It is the medicine of pride, sexuality and fertility. The power of voice, protection of family and community. Evoke to hear more of your inner voice.
Skunk: It’s protective field medicine. To evoke when you need to change outdated points of view, to break paradigms and find new ways of seeing the same thing. Protect yourself by setting boundaries to avoid violence and confrontation. Act strategically.
Goose: Paternal and maternal, work your fears, your angers and fight the hysterical side. Throw away your worries or nonsense. What does not belong to you, return to the original channels.
Cat: It is the Medicine of Magic and Mysteries. It is associated with sensuality and intuition. It can be invoked for independence, freedom, finding comfort, understanding of mysteries and occult powers.
Hawk: It’s the medicine of observation. Life is sending you signs to see the obvious. Evoke this energy for you to fly and seek the truth within yourself.
Giraffe: It is the medicine of high connection. The giraffe asks you to get off the ground a little and have more visions of the sky. Evoke to connect more to the astral, higher world and also to see things from new perspectives. Elevate your mind and thoughts to have more imagination to solve your problems. Clear vision to see in advance what is coming. The giraffe brings an energy of softness and sympathy.
Dolphin: It is the Medicine of purity, joy and unconditional love. Evoke to create more harmony with nature, delve into the depths of our being, for therapeutic purposes, listen and understand our internal “sounds”. His medicine inspires intelligence and fun, spreading joy in the world.
Gorilla: It is medicine of power and firmness. He is the guardian of the Earth. Summon energy, strength, power and adaptability. Know how to listen to your own wisdom, walk further and act with more firmness and power, in order to have more inner peace and tolerance.
Blue Jackdaw: Beware of your mental magic, know how to use the strength of your mind, because in the end everything comes back to itself. Be more attentive and more organized, so you’ll know where you’ve hidden your seeds.
Raccoon: It is the medicine of cleansing and purification. You must clean and filter what comes to you, so you don’t get intoxicated. Summon for skill in disguise, good mood, cleanliness, survival, tenacity, intelligence, revelry. Lots of hands-on skills.
Hippopotamus: It is the medicine of cleansing and purification. You must clean and filter what comes to you, so you don’t get intoxicated. Summon for skill in disguise, good mood, cleanliness, survival, tenacity, intelligence, revelry. Lots of hands-on skills. It is the medicine of grounding and psychic development. You need to celebrate more with water as it soothes your soul and your nerves. Seeing this animal is also a warning that your senses are starting to be worked on. This energy teaches you to walk calmly and always towards connection with all beings. Evoking for psychic development, intuition, water-earth connection, grounding.
Alligator: It is the medicine of the deep unconscious. We associate the Alligator or Crocodile, because they have their eyes on the top of their head, to the symbolism of a superior vision and of seeing other planes. It teaches us to transform aggressive energy into positive action energy. Evoke for deep vision and clairvoyance, survival instinct and the deep unconscious.
Jaguar: is the messenger between the soul and the waters of consciousness. The search in deep waters of consciousness, messenger, interaction between mind and soul.
Boar: It is the medicine of communication and expressiveness. Peer communication, expressiveness, intelligence. Evoke ability to guard against danger, expressiveness, intelligence and courage. Ability to find the truth.
Lizard: It’s the medicine of dreamers. The lizard may be telling you to pay attention to your dreams and symbols. Summon to let go of old things and create new things. To renew, adapt to the new. Optimism, adaptability, regeneration, dreams, renewal and transformation.
Lion: It is the medicine of prosperity and leadership. Evoke to give strength, vitality, sexual potency, courage. To increase self-confidence when facing difficult, challenging tasks. To balance mind and heart, make intelligence win over instinct. Evoke to have claw, power, strength, majesty, prosperity, nobility, courage, health, leadership, security and self-confidence.
Leopard: It is the medicine of spiritual protection. According to the legend of the shamans, the leopard, the jaguars and the ocelots are around them in the cures so as not to let the intruder spirits removed by them, return to the body of the person being cured. When they visit you in their visions, it is a sign that you are receiving a lot of spiritual protection not to get lost or give up on the path, so continue your searches firmly. Greater access to the conscious mind. Evoke for spiritual protection, knowledge of the subconscious, understand dark aspects and speed of actions.
Dragonfly: It is the medicine of illusion, enlightenment, winds and change. This energy asks you to be more persevering in your goals, stay focused. The dragonfly brings great power of communication with the elemental world. Evoke to mature ideas and self-control. Seek the wonders of life. To see through the illusion. Be alert.
Lynx: It is the medicine of secrecy and occult knowledge. For connection with ancient mysteries and development with psychic powers. Use your powers positively. It can be invoked to obtain an atmosphere of silence and concentration before acting and thus knowing important things about yourself. Wise in inner secrets.
Lobo: It is the medicine of teaching, love and healthy relationships. For the natives it is the most faithful of animal guides. It is also the tribe’s teacher symbol. The wolf is a route explorer, a forerunner of new ideas who returns to the tribe to teach and share medicine. The wolf’s sense is very keen and the Moon is its ally of strength. Wolf medicine allows the teacher within us all to emerge and help the children of Earth understand the Great Mystery of life. Evoke to help eliminate our weaknesses and negative thoughts. For healthy family and loving relationships, faithfulness, generosity, togetherness, the inner child, creative vision and learning new things.
Monkey: It is the medicine of joy, intelligence and communication. Evocar to calmly carry out important mental tasks. Intelligence, good humor, joy, agility, generosity, teaching. Use the monkey’s joy in your daily life.
Bat: It’s rebirth medicine. The bat has the power to see hidden things, even in darkness or with eyes closed, ability to see in shadows and darkness. The bat’s upside-down position is related to what babies assume when they come into the world through a woman’s womb. It is the medicine of initiation of rebirth. It can mean letting go of old habits and taking on a new position in life. In all cases, the bat signals a process of rebirth in some area of yourself or the death of old patterns. Summon for rebirth, initiation, reincarnation, magical abilities.
Lince: It is the medicine of space protection. The jaguar is an animal that can both frighten us and evoke immense respect. It is intelligent, agile, smart and has a medicine very similar to that of the leopard: it energetically helps shamans in healing. Summon for space protection, silence, precision.
Jaguar²: The jaguar is an animal that can both frighten us and evoke immense respect. It is intelligent, agile, smart, and has the same function as the leopard: it helps shamans in healing. Lurking, space protection, silence, observation. Precision.
Pantera: It is the medicine of sensuality and healing. It also brings in its energy courage, the release of instincts and power. The panther brings powerful sexual energy to resolve sexual trauma and blockages. It is the feminine symbol of power, also linked to the moon. It helps to understand shadows and mysteries. Evoke this energy for cleverness, eliminate fears, seduction and demarcate territory.
Black Panther: The black panther circles around the shaman healer to devour the pain-causing spirit. As soon as the shaman purges him, he cannot go beyond the panther’s circle, which devours him for food. Mystery, sensuality, sexuality, beauty, seduction, strength, flexibility.
Albino White Panther: Same concept as the Black Panther, only it represents the symbol of courage and shamanic intuition. It is very agile and brings victories in any situation. However, she warns: everything has a beginning, middle and end. It does not feed on the intruding spirit, but circles the shaman, saving its prey for when the black panther arrives, not letting the spirit escape the circle. She is the warning of the mysteries of transformations that will occur in people’s minds and lives. The white panther works with diseases of the intellect. Its mission is to work with people’s fear, teach them how to face them and learn from them.
Parrot: The first thing that comes to mind when we think of parrots is their ability to imitate. They reflect everything around them, tones of voice, noises, laughter. The parrot’s energy is like a great universal mirror, and it doesn’t lie, it just reflects what exists outside of it.
Peacock: It is the medicine of psychic protection and beauty. It brings an energy to celebrate life. It has the energy for dances, plays and moving our body with sensuality and softness. Evoke for courage, good luck, serenity, beauty, grace, self-expression, ceremonial dances and relaxation.
White Peacock: Awakening sensitivity. Moments of peace and tranquility. However, stop charging yourself, leave the accommodation and go look for self-help or an analyst. This will do you good, because you need to value yourself.
Turkey: It is the medicine of donation, blessings and charity. It is also the symbol of good harvest and honoring life. The turkey also has the energy to ward off evil spirits, bad energies and expand the third vision. Summoning for connection to Mother Earth’s energy, giving and receiving, transcendence, gifting, celebration and nobility.
Woodpecker: This animal is linked to the great spirit of thunder, controls pests and especially ants and termites of the soul. Summoned for rain, regeneration, cleansing, communication, protection. Its sound when chopping the tree is linked with the spirits of thunder, it is considered son of thunder.
Penguin: It’s the medicine of living in community and adapting to the new. Increases socialization, to be happy with your partner and marital fidelity. Understanding the feminine energy in the man, fatherhood. Evoking to preserve relationships and relationships, living in community, fidelity and loyalty in romances.
Pig: You need to escape the four walls more, raise the antenna, look at people and realize their intentions. Either abandon these walls, or you’ll end up talking to them. Take good care of your health and your heart.
Porcupine: It is the medicine of faith, trust and innocence. The porcupine brings great energy of faith and belief, that is, the ability to believe in a greater force that makes us flow with the movements of our life and also trust that the best will come. time. Good memory, intelligence, inspiration to perform, faith, trust, releasing the inner child and joy of living.
White Dove: In Christianity symbolizes the Holy Spirit, peace, communication, integration, message. You will achieve all your spiritual goals; luck and happiness coming. Peace, light, purity, sacrifice, happy, pure news, restoration of health. Browns: Need to work on forgiveness. Grays: Need to work on the sick mind. Negras: Morbid news.
Puma: It is the medicine of leadership and the psyche. Connection with other realms and mediumship. It works on silence and responsibility for ourselves. Evoke to work the ability to assume responsibilities. Strength, initiative, mystery, silence, survival, speed, grace, leadership and courage.
Fox: It is the medicine of cunning and subtlety. Sensitivity is sharp and the mind quite intuitive. It is evoked for its harmonization with nature. To react quickly to situations that arise to feel more and strategize. Intelligence, cunning and quickness in thoughts and actions.
Rat: It’s the medicine of attention and introspection. Rats work a great energy of methodology. Evoking to become aware of the subtle things in your life. Learn to appreciate the simple and small things. Self-preserve and observe the details.
Salmon: Strength, perseverance, swimming against the tide, determination, courage.
Frog: It is the medicine of purification and transformation. The frog is also invoked for fertility, love and evolution. Invoke to bring abundance, cleansing of negativities, creativity and connection with the Creator.
Satyr: Libertine, fun, sex drive, instincts, fantasies.
Turtle: It is the medicine of mother earth, longevity and protection. In Native American teachings, the turtle is the oldest symbol of planet Earth. It is also the symbol of stability. Like her, we must firmly connect with the Planet, nurturing ourselves to be firmly centered in our desired rhythm and goals. She uses water and earth, her two abodes, to teach us to flow with harmony in the situations that present themselves. Evocar to have stability, longevity, honor, patience, resistance, protection, experience, wisdom, organization, building properties, and to be in the right place at the right time.
Tatu: It’s medicine to set limits. The armadillo is already dressed in armor on its back. Safety boundaries are part of your being. He can also roll like a ball and never allow himself to be penetrated by the enemy. He represents the breastplate of Mother Earth, the keeper of her secrets. It also represents the shield of defense that we put in front of us, against everything and everyone. Evoke to physical and emotional boundaries, protection and health.
Badger: It’s the medicine of courage and aggressiveness, but this aggressiveness is not negative, but persistence to fight for your goals. This aggressiveness is to have courage, persistence so that nothing or no one can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. Evocar to have persistence, communication in public, forming alliances, daring, initiative, acting in crisis and defense.
Tiger: It’s the medicine of the hunter and taking advantage of opportunities. It has the energy of power and ferocity, but also meticulous preparation. Tiger energy asks you to make good plans and planning, re-evaluate the situation and then take action. The tiger devours evil influences. Evoke to act with caution, intelligence and speed, initiative, persistence and knowing how to take advantage of opportunities.
Taurus: It is the medicine of potency, fertility and strength. It is evoked by passion and power. Your medicine also develops the warrior spirit in us. Protection from negative energy. Fertility, sexuality, power, leadership, protection, earth strength and potency.
Unicorn: It is linked to all the gifts of the arts, to psychography, to the purity and elevation of the soul. The unicorn is divine integration with the great spirit of heaven and earth. It is connected with an angel of painting called Pétrus, who opens the rainbow portal, so that everyone can, through paints and colors, express love for nature. Swiftness, meekness, purity, salvation, spirituality, harmless, his single horn symbolizes that he and the Father are ONE.
Bear: It is the medicine of introspection and physical healing. The bear enters a cave and hibernates, digesting the experiences it has had. He reconnects with Mother Earth, in an intense introspection, to then resurface in the spring of the soul, in a rebirth, when everything is sprouting again. In this period, nothing that is out there matters, only the redoing, the act of thinking about the attitudes taken, believing that the answers are within ourselves. Can be summoned for healing powers. It represents your inner healer, introspection and physical healing. The bear travel the spiritual paths of the Warrior. It indicates the path of physical healing in a broad sense that involves beyond your physical body, it also involves your prosperity. It is also the gateway of introspection, of the subconscious, the stillness, the silence of the soul that is needed in life. How do you express yourself! Invoke for introspection, intuition, physical healing, awareness, teachings and redoing.
White Bear: Symbol of the strength of all power animals. It means opening and the arrival of happiness in body and soul. Has deep vision, sees great distances on ice.
Panda Bear: Panda bear medicine teaches us to be more aware of dangers, not to be influenced by those who say they are our best friends, because there is always an intention and time will show it. It teaches you to take good care of secrets.
Grizzly Bear: The grizzly bear is the tracker of the medicines and roots of the forest. He helps the shaman find the right medicine for healing.
Vulture: It is the medicine of cleansing, purification, deep cleansing. It is linked to fire or the Sun in various cultures, as well as shamans it uses the energies of the earth to its advantage. He does a sacred service to all beings, which is to clean up decomposed animal material, avoiding potential disease, never killing or injuring a living thing. It is also a symbol of love for the land. It symbolizes life and death, prophetic gifts and mysteries.
Firefly: Firefly medicine warns that all is not lost. There is a light waiting for you at the end of the tunnel and you are not alone. Try to light up your interior and everything will be light. Enlightenment, understanding, life force, light and darkness, wonders.
Deer: It is the medicine of kindness and delicacy. The deer asks us not to be bitter in life. Learn to live more freely and celebrate life with nature. It works with our own density and our tenderness. It evokes delicacy, sensitivity, grace, alertness, adaptability, connection, heart, spirit and gentleness.
Zebra: It is the medicine of balance. Evoking balance, clarity without filters, security in the path to be followed, maintaining individuality within a group.
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