
Portal 02.22.2022

On this 02.22.2022, we will be going through a very important portal, a portal that enhances deep energies and healing at a planetary level and also at an individual level.

The call is for us to recognize ourselves again as one with Gaia. Not only children of Mother Gaia, but becoming the essence of Gaia.

Lightworkers all over the world will be joining forces of love, on behalf of humanity and all Beings, in ceremonies of love and light for the construction of the New Earth.

At this exact moment, we are going through 3 great Planetary alignments, which, when they happened separately, changed the course of our planet’s history. At this point, the 3 are lined up again, but this time together.

Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Pluto in Capricorn.

Regardless of your belief, if you feel the call in your heart, take a moment on this day, to intend healing for Mother Gaia, Inner healing and living the unity of Being with all Beings and Mother Gaia, write your intentions for yourself and for the New Earth, and wrap your intentions in pure love.

I will be in a ceremony with a beautiful grugo at exactly 5 pm on 02/22/2022 – Queensland Time – Australia, in Brazil it will be at 4 am. We will be invoking the 7 rays of light and the Golden Flame of Illumination for all humanity. Whoever feels, sit in a quiet place at this time, and join us. You just need to vibrate and intend to send love. Love is indeed the cure for all ills and the center of everything.

You can also intension every day, send the Violet Flame and the Pink Flame, the Ray of Freedom and Love, to you and all the Earth, they are rays of light that work without interfering with free will.


Luciana Tworkoski
