
Healing our body & Soul through Dance

healing our body soul through dance

My name is Luciana Brito, I am a healer and teacher of Quantum and Spiritual Therapies.

I was invited by dear Lyn to write articles for her online magazine on the day of our Shamanic Drum Building class.

The experience was magical and I felt in my heart that it would be wonderful to participate in this work of writing articles every month, so I decided to share all the articles on the blog.

In this first article, I decided to write about healing through dance.

Dancing has always been a part of my life and in the last few years I have practiced very little and I wonder why I stopped if I felt so good.

I have lived in Australia for 10 years, but I am Brazilian, and dance and music are very strong practices in my country, Brazil is a multicultural country, from one extreme to the other, you can find different types of practices and cultures, there is dance linked to Brazilian Indians, Germany, Spain, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon, Portugal, Italy, Africa, China, Japan and much more…

This has always fascinated me in my home country, because in Brazil there is a little bit of all cultures from all over the world and I could have access to music and dance from many places.

In addition, I have German and Polish descent on my father’s side and Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian indigenous and African descent on my mother’s side, so I grew up dancing and learning from so many cultures…

Music and dance have always helped me feel alive, empowered, beautiful, capable, energized, light, connected to the whole… and when I stopped, it was like part of me was missing.

That month, I talked to the universe and said that I really wanted to dance again. As a result, as soon as I arrived in Melbourne for work in November, I was invited to attend a belly dancing show, and as soon as I got back to the Gold Coast, it’s only been a week since I got back, a dinner that was supposed to happen yesterday, turned into a 2 and a half hours in the circle of the Sacred Women, for Iemanjá, one of the archetypes of the Goddess, celebrated in Brazilian culture, by the African influence.

I danced with all my body and soul, as I haven’t done in a long time, the energy of being able to dance for the Great Mother in the group of the sacred feminine, released a feeling of being fully present and connected with my whole body. Feeling love, freedom, self-love, lightness and empowerment and so much more that I can’t describe, that I can only think of gratitude for what happened yesterday and I can’t wait to go back.

Dance is one of the main ways to access, and reconnect directly to the feminine essence.

The essential femininity of the woman can be rescued through movements that originate from the creative, receptive, welcoming and integrative essence of the woman, from her womb, which emerges from her body, nourishes, transforms, heals, brings awareness to our purpose and love.

It also leaves to the surface of our being all that has been repressed by this powerful force that has fallen asleep in our unconscious and helps us to release what we no longer need to carry.

Dance is so powerful, and the joy of dancing and celebrating within the circle of women is a gift.

Let’s Dance?
