This Sunday we celebrate a very special day. Mothers Day.
At a time when there is a lot of talk about the Sacred Feminine and healing of the Sacred, a beautiful way to bring about this healing, is to celebrate every day and honor, these beautiful portals of light and life, Our mothers, and thus honor all mothers, Divine Mother, Stellar Mothers, Elderly Mothers, Mothers of Light like Maria Isis and Kuan Yin, beloved Mother Gaia who provide everything we need, and so always remember these angels of love who cradled us in the cradle and who fed us when we were children, of extraordinary simplicity and a grandeur that often went unnoticed, and not were seen as the extraordinary angels they are.
The woman is the most direct expression of the divine and mysterious principle that creates life, it is the principle of great creation and of life, she breastfeeds, cares and directs on the path of existence with her loving and intuitive intelligence. Formerly the most important figure in the family was the Matriarch.
The power to create and feminine … The power to adopt and create physical resemblance to the son of the heart … Mothers of the heart and love … Portals for entry into this world and other worlds. In the Trinity Father, son and Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit and the feminine, the energy of creation and love.
Mothers are pure delivery, and there is no label, they are special the way they are. We all have the mother we chose for the experience that we would like to have here on Earth. So honor.
Beloved mothers, remember to love yourselves very much, the first great deserving of all that love and zeal … are yourselves. And finally, the prayer of the Great Mother From Xaman Alba Maria:
Prayer to Great Mother
Our mother who is in heaven, on earth and everywhere
Blessed be your beauty and your abundance
It brings to our hearts the key that opens the portal of love
May each of us respect the ways of all beings
and the exercise of forgiveness is part of our existence.
That we can welcome to our table
those who want to share the sacred food with us
Our mother who is in heaven, on earth and everywhere
May the greater purpose guide our steps
and that the beat of our hearts can be united to the touch of the heart of the earth
and so we can throb in one rhythm
May the stars guide us through the dark nights
and that the sun shines brightly on our bodies.
Hey Great Spirit,
Hey Great Mother,
Hey Shaman.