
Harmonic Convergence 2020

Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world’s first global synchronized peace meditation, which took place August 16-17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional planetarium alignment.

Although the event was predicted by author Tony Shearer in his book Lord of the Dawn (1971), the main organizers of the event were José Argüelles and his wife Lloydine Burris Argüelles via Planet Art Network (PAN), a peace movement that they founded in 1983.

ArgĂĽelles issued the call for 144,000 people to meditate simultaneously at sacred sites around the world, to establish a planetary receptacle that would activate a new harmonic grid.

He predicted that with a sufficient number of humans synchronized in an intention of peace, the benevolent galactic intelligences could transmit communication via high frequency rays to catalyze the planet’s mental field and install a new harmonic grid.

This would activate a new planetary field of trust and initiate the transition from competitive conflict to a time of collaborative cooperation. He envisioned this moment as the first step in our civilization’s transition from a military state of terror to a “de-industrialized, decentralized, post-military planetary society.”

In this vision, all political and governmental structures would be replaced by vast numbers of local and bioregional cells. He created plans to disarm nuclear power plants and all related weapons industries and technologies, as well as the implementation of new technologies and programs for the re-education of workers.

He imagined that by 2013, in galactic synchronization, humanity would have evolved into beings possessing brilliantly simple yet sophisticated technologies based on the combination of solar and psychic frequencies.

At this stage, the planetary network would be operating with pollution-free technologies, and the “majority of humans living comfortably in small bioregional groups, united as information nodes in a communications system that is finally cable-free.”

He envisioned the transformation of technology through the recognition that our bodies (when activated to their full bioelectromagnetic capacity) are the best and most sophisticated technology there is. He advanced the idea that the Human Body, once awakened and activated properly, is the path beyond technology and the real meaning of the Galactic Mayan return.

All of his subsequent work aimed at the harmonic realignment of the human, planet and cosmos, as well as practices and codes for linking our forgotten technology through the science of the time of the Galactic Mayans with the simple daily application of the 13 Moon calendar. .

“Humanity’s return to a planetary state of being bound by a single time pattern, the natural and universal frequency of synchronization, means that the human mind and spirit can once again be attuned to a perception of harmony and unity with Nature. .” –JosĂ© ArgĂĽelles/ValumVotan

According to Shearer’s interpretation of Aztec cosmology, the selected date marked the end of twenty-two cycles of 52 years each, or 1,144 whole years.

The twenty-two cycles were divided into thirteen “heavenly” cycles, which began in AD 843 and ended in 1519, when the nine “hellish” cycles began, ending 468 years later in 1987. The beginning of the nine “hellish” cycles was precisely the day Hernán CortĂ©s landed in Mexico, April 22, 1519 (coinciding with “1 Reed” in the Aztec/Mayan calendar, the day sacred to the Mesoamerican cultural hero Quetzalcoatl). The nine hellish cycles of 52 years ended precisely on August 16 and 17, 1987. Shearer presented the dates and prophecy to Algeria in 1970, and finally co-opted them and created the name Harmonic Convergence as the public title of the event. .

The timing of the Harmonic Convergence was supposedly significant in the Mayan calendar, with some consideration also being given to European and Asian astrological traditions. The dates chosen have the distinction of supposedly marking a planetary alignment with the Sun, Moon and six of the eight planets being “part of the grand trine”. Although Arguelles eventually linked the timing of the Harmonic Convergence with his understanding of the meaning of Mayan calendars, the dates themselves were derived not from Mayan cosmology but from Tony Shearer’s reconstructed Aztec prophecies.

The next predicted harmonic convergence (planet alignment) would occur on March 3, 2019.

We are now in a new stage of evolution of our planet, the planetary Ascension, and again we have been summoned to unite in worldwide meditation, intending peace, ascension and restoration of communication and connection with our cosmic family. The event started on the 05/07/20th and will be running until the 14/07/20. Did you feel the call? Join us.

Meditations are available on our YouTube channel.


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