
Happy Solstice!!!

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Yesterday an unprecedented thing happened, to celebrate the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, they did a live sunset and sunrise at Stonehenge.

It was beautiful to be able to tune in to this portal, watching it live, on such a special day. I had the opportunity to meet in 2018, the energy is indescribable.

On the 21/6th, the second eclipse of the month took place, bringing once again the opportunity to leave behind, what no longer serves us, to do deep karmic cleansing. The summer solstice is also taking place in the southern hemisphere (longest day of the year), with the energies of rebirth, of new stages, harvest, new projects, of letting your inner Sun shine, the masculine energy of action; and the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere (Longest night of the year), bringing the feminine energy of collection, of rest, death of the old patterns, of looking inside and letting go of everything that is no longer needed, recycling and resting, so as to prepare for rebirth and harvest in spring and summer.

Solstice and equinox mark the beginning of the seasons and are related to the incidence of solar rays and the tilt of the Earth. Due to the Earth’s axis of rotation and its position in relation to the sun, the incidence of light on the hemispheres is different. These astronomical phenomena then represent the apparent motion of the Sun and both occur twice a year in each hemisphere.


The solstice represents the positioning of the Sun at its maximum limit, that is, the Sun will be at its peak in the north or south.

This greater declination of the Sun in relation to the Equator line results in greater illumination of one of the hemispheres. This phenomenon occurs at two times of the year, in June and in December.

When the solar incidence is greater in one of the hemispheres, the summer solstice occurs. When the solar incidence is lower in one of the hemispheres, the winter solstice occurs. The summer solstice is characterized by having the days longer than the nights. At the winter solstice, the nights are longer than the days.


The equinox represents the average position of the Sun in relation to the Earth, that is, none of the hemispheres is inclined in relation to the Sun, with its rays falling directly on the Equator, thus illuminating both hemispheres equally. This phenomenon occurs at two times of the year, in March and in September.

The occurrence of the equinox gives rise to spring and autumn. Due to the same intensity of the sun’s rays in both hemispheres, days and nights have the same duration.

Ancient peoples of the North celebrated the transformations that had taken place in nature through festivals that took place on the days of solstices, equinoxes and at points in between. So throughout the year, eight celebrations took place, called Sabbats.

The Sabbats make up the eight spokes of the Wheel of the Year. Some current traditions of Goddess worship have resumed these celebrations as a way of connecting with the cycles of nature. We can connect with these dates in two ways: by celebrating the festivals according to the seasons of the Northern Hemisphere, or with the cycles of nature in the Southern Hemisphere.

The days of the solstices and equinoxes are auspicious and propitious for us to enter each of the seasons in our own way, planting what we want in our lives and celebrating our harvests. In this way, we align ourselves with the cycles of nature and take advantage of the strength that each season can offer us.

About Stonehenge, it is considered an ascension portal connecting to the ninth dimension. According to Diana Cooper, in this portal is the temple of Lord Vosloo, an Ascended Master from another universe, who comes to help our beloved planet in moments of awakening and ascension. On this special day, a suggestion is to project yourself in meditation to this beautiful portal and Connect with Lord Vosloo, and the Great Interdimensional Portal of Stonehenge.

Lord Vosloo was the highest frequency High Priest to incarnate in the Golden Age of Atlantis and Mu. He connected with Earth at certain times to provide energy to create a sea change in consciousness. He did this in the Golden Age of Mu, which brought civilization to the rise. It was his presence in Atlantis that allowed it to become the extraordinary and legendary Golden Age.

More information about Lord Vosloo:

Color: Lord Vosloo works under the sun. Yellow ray.

Origin: He has an eleventh-dimensional frequency, and comes from another universe.

Retreat: Above Stonehenge, an ancient, powerful portal and the ninth dimensional anchor point in connection with the grid of light around the planet.

Purpose: Lord Vosloo is a Universal Ascended Master and Lord of Light.

He helped this planet when there was a quantum shift in consciousness on Earth.

You can ask him to help you understand about the greater wisdom of Golden Atlantis and Mu.

Ask him to heal the deepest wounds in your soul.

Ask him to help you build your crystalline body of light.

Ask to be of service to Lord Vosloo’s team to help spread the sun’s energy and universal harmony to all Earth.


