
Mothers and Families Sacred Circles

We offer Sacred Circles of support for mothers and their children, with monthly meetings that can be with the children, with the whole family or just for the mothers.

One day retreats, weekend retreats, sacred circles for empowerment of mothers and women who feel called to join us. With the intention of creating a village of light, a support network. As the African proverb goes: It takes a whole village to raise a child. Our intention is to make this proverb a reality, and create a safe space for sharing, receiving and nourishing for the mothers and the whole family.

Rainbow and its partners believe that children are the key to anchoring Heaven on Earth, and for this, for them to grow and live their full potential on Earth, families and children need the support and love of the whole community.

PRICE: AUD 25,00 per meeting

  • Duration: 1.5-2 hours, live in person or online.
  • Additional materials for meetings: notebook to jot down insights, water bottle.
  • For Retreats and Ceremonies, check our events page on the website.
  • Entity linked to the course: Course registered with MYIICT & ABRATH.
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