

Testimonials are words of affection and recognition from our beloved friends, students and partners!

Luciana has been coaching my son 1:1 with swimming for over a year. It has been amazing to watch his abilities grow, with a focus on great technique. I feel so blessed that we found Luciana!
Abigail Schultz
Luciana is an amazing person!!! She helped me and my husband to know a lot about how to have a healthy life + exercises, and changed our life completely. When I was looking for someone to help us and found Lu I didn't imagine that she could be so incredible with us. I've been doing access bars, Reiki, exercise plan and Nutrition with her. I feel like a new person, my anxiety is more controlled than before, I am also sleeping very well and lighter. I love when I see my friends and they say to me “You lost lots of weight and look so different. " I feel so happyyy Thank you so much darling for all attention and changes in our life
Beatriz AraĂşjo
I've been doing the bars with Lu it's been a few weeks, can say there's a major change in my life... emotionally I feel more secure, my sleep got heaps better, the way a think even... I would recommend her 10000000 times! Just by talking to you you can see the love and peace she transfers to you.
Bibi Bergonzoni Mascaro
Luciana is an amazing swimming teacher and my 9yo son and 6yo daughter love her classes. Meanwhile she is very focused on techniques, kids learn how to swim properly and have a lot of fun. Her teaching skills are great. We highly recommend her !!!
Carla Fabiane Breitenbach
Luciana is my swimming teacher. She is such a patient person and passionate about everything related to heath. Thank you Luciana for making me feel confident in the water
Carlinha Nery
Meeting luciana and becoming a part of this community changed my life. I was on auto pilot mode for a lot of my life - making decisions that didn’t align with my true values, the support of this group alongside lu’s incredible mentorship has helped me to bring me back to my body, mind, spirit and beyond in a safe environment! Lu also truly cares about the well-being of every human, on all economical, cultural and social levels - something I resonate deeply with, and that type of mentorship is something special in today’s world. The greatest lesson from the group has been that our work isn’t just for ourselves, it’s for everyone.
I took the Reiki II course with Luciana! I didn't know her before, but I had great references before starting the course! And no different, I was extremely happy and satisfied with the content and the natural way she explained and taught Reiki techniques! I recommend with eyes closed!
Cauê Palácio
I met Lu in my second training in the AccessConsciousness Bars course, and after that, I also did Reiki level 2 and Reiki level 3 with her. All of them were wonderful moments of learning and sharing. She has the gift of ministering and passes on her knowledge in a clear, simple, loving and welcoming way. I am currently undergoing treatment with the radionic table, which is a very complete tool and she explains everything in detail and with a lot of love. I am very grateful to have found her here on this side of the world and to be able to continue my process of self-knowledge, being able to count on all this knowledge and support of this beautiful being of light that she is. I know this is just the beginning because I don't let go of you anymore Lu. Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude
Clara Regina
Luciana is a very special human being! Not only a beautiful friend but an incredible professional! Me and my husband have been doing some therapies with her and we are loving! I highly recommend her
Claudia Mazzetto Cacau
Luciana is helping me to discover a lot of new vegan recipes. Within less than 4 weeks I was able to loose 3.3 pounds combining a balanced diet and exercise plan she made for me. Thanks, Lu - you're incredible!
Dani Brunetti
Since I’ve met Luciana I’m in love with her beautiful energy. She is very intuitive with her work, and her healing has helped me to reconnect with my inner self
Dani Sostisso
Lu is wonderful! Always willing to help and super sincere. My life changed a lot after I got to know Lu's work. Super competent and always has a word of comfort. If you are looking to change for the better you are on the right path.
Daniela Campana Lessa
Well... no words to express the immense gratitude to this wonderful gym and especially to my super Master Luciana Brito. There are already some courses and activities that improve me, heal me and develop me each time and the desire is to learn more and more from this incredible Master. Gratitude Rainbow Gratitude Lu Gratitude Universe.
Felipe Santos
Luciana Tworkoski Brito Luciana is a complete professional! She is dedicated and is always up to date. If you are in a transition moment in your live or business, if you are in doubt, anxious or fear about some decision, try some of techiniques like bars, seikin, reiki or cristals. Is not only techiniques, Luciana gives you a real therapy process, for you as a whole, body, mind and fellings. Try it! It will transform you and your life. I really recomended! It's much more than therapy.
Fabi Shiton
I'm so greatful to find Luciana in my journey. I've asked a Creator someone that I could learn more about energy when I found Luciana. She's a pure soul, with her own light. Thank you to share with us all your knowledge!
Gabriela Da Silveira Colombo
I highly recommend her. She is very open mind and knows a lot about many therapies.
Gabriele Neto
Lu is a person full of light, that I have met at a time I felt disconnected from myself. Through the access bar and the psionic table I was feeling better, and always counting on her support after the sessions, which for me is a big differential on her work. I ended up with a reiki course taught by her that started another important healing process on my whole being.
Glaucia Oliveira
It's a beautiful. Excellent professional. Every day it has helped me to become more confident. Gratitude
Iara Pereira
This woman is full of light! She helped me using a combination of technologies. Bars, Reiki, massage and nutrition advice, which I am loving by the way! The meal plan is full of amazing recipes and focused on my own needs. Each day I am feeling better and less anxious, especially after the access bars session
Izabella Rf
I recommend Luciana with no hesitation, she is an angel, always giving me advise to be the best version of myself and able to discuss all topics of life. I do the access bar consciousness therapy once a week and I feel lighter, happier and ready to take in the week ahead. My partner is also now treating with her and we both highly recommend and look forward to our appointments. She is always on time, ready, and motivated. Thank you Luciana for all your guidance and service.
Jennifer Cardoso
Lu is a darling and an Amazing professional !!!! But, here is the best part one stop shop! Best ever! love it
Joice Queiroz
Amazing professional and amazing person!
Julia Bertuol Dias
I read good reviews from Luciana's work and decided to reach out. From the first response she was lovely and very attentive. Now, after my second session with her, I can't recommend her enough. Do yourself a favor and contact her, she will find what is the best therapy for you and I am sure like me you won't believe how incredible the results are.
Juliana Leal
Best swimming teacher ever! My son has lessons with Luciana and it's one of the highlights of his week. Not only is Luciana friendly and patient, she is also strongly focused on correct swimming technique, which means there are no bad habits formed. Seriously a wonderful swimming instructor if you want to learn to swim quickly and proficiently with an encouraging and highly skilled teacher.
Kristine Gardener
Luciana's energy work is just amazing! She is truly enlightened and enlightening I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to learn a little bit from her and have already started putting Reiki into practice, for myself and my family and have noticed an enormous shift. I also received bars of access and Quantum psionic table and cannot recommend these highly enough!!! Life changing. Thank you so much for your guidance and helping me on my spiritual journey!
Laiz Watkins
what to talk about Lu, a sweetness of people who does everything to help you, whether with diet, with the body, or with therapies. She manages to integrate body, mind and spirit beautifully and has a beautiful smile. I started working with lu with nutrition, went to bars and ended up taking the course under his influence. Sweet, strong, soft, non-judgmental and owner of a wonderful smile. It's always a pleasure to be with you.
Laura Forte
Love her work, her care. Lu has been looking after me for a few months now. She is always with a smile on her face coming from her heart. Highly recommended.
Lucio Ribeiro
I ended the year 2018 with an open mind to changes in my personal and professional life. I asked God to light my way. God heard me! In January 2019 I met Lu and decided to take the Reiki 1 course with her. My intention was to help friends, family and myself. The love for Reiki only increased from the moment I acquired knowledge with Lu, practiced Reiki and managed to plant the seed of light in people's lives. Today I am a Reiki Master, I am attending professionally and receiving incredible returns. I recently finished the Access Bars course too. I did all the courses with Lu and I recommend her work to everyone. Lu is a being of LIGHT, an EXEMPLARY professional who works with LOVE. My huge GRATITUDE to you, dear Lu! You are very special to me.
Manuela Cunha
Luciana is pure light... I took the Reiki 1 and 2 course, Access Bars were amazing, she has a lot of knowledge and property to teach, always giving us support, incentives to continue practicing, and she is super cute and attentive.. . I highly recommend... Thank you Lu
Marcela Mendonça
Before my first session of access bars I was feeling anxious and uncertain about my next steps. During the session, as Luciana moved through the different points, I could feel a very strong energy. It was like a cleansing and energy recharge. My mind was clearer and I felt more confident about some decisions that I had to make. I am so grateful to Luciana and for her support in this journey. namaste
Marcia Donadelli
I highly recommend Luciana. I contracted her meal plan services and I was really suprised. She is supportive. Also, the meals were creative. The program introduced a lot of new ingredients to me. It is not just based on how to loose weight, it teaches you how to have a sustainable healty diet.
Michelle Miranda
Luciana is such a sweet Soul that share her knowledge with a lot of passion. I had the opportunity to be on her Access Bars training and to receive the Bars from her, and it was amazing, life-changing... I continue feeling how my life has improved and also I'm having amazing feedback from my clients
Milia Simielli Rocha
Luciana is a great professional! She is my swimming teacher and my personal trainer. She's energetic but also really patient when needs to be. I highly recommend her. Thank you Luciana for all work that we're doing together!
Nanda Machado
I can't thank Luciana enough for all the help and good changes her therapies have brought to my life She's an amazing professional and person!
Nathaly Moreschi
Excellent human being with an inclining ability and knowledge!! Lu gratitude for your gift.
Thiago Scherer
I was looking someone to do Reiki and Luciana showed up in my life like an angel literally! I'm doing access bars and reiki and every time that we saw each other my day/mood change completely, she has this energy that I can't explain!! Also she made me a swimming plan and share some amazing recipes! Luciana is the type of person how to send you a msg out of the blue because she just felt that you were needing... Thank you for everything!
Vania Biancarelli
I got to know Lu's wonderful work last year when, by recommendation, I decided to get in touch with her to do the Reiki 1 course. Through this first contact I learned so much, grew and opened myself to the energies of the universe in such a way that I will never able to explain in words the positive impact that lu brought to my life. She showed me how through self-knowledge I could discover who I truly am, loving and integrating both my shadows and my light. But mostly, she showed me how important it is to have an optimistic and loving stance on life, and the blessings of transformation that this look brings to our journey. lu, I'm so grateful that you crossed my path and stayed on it. thank you for the wonderful exchange and for sharing this love that overflows in you!!
Yara Braga