Hi, I’m Luciana Tworkoski!
Get to know a little bit of my history and trajectory through the path of spirituality!
I have studied spirituality since I was a little girl: ancient worlds, Egypt, astronomy, astrology, and quantum physics. My father had already been preparing me without me even knowing; I started when I was just six years old. I always carried books on Atlantis, spirituality, and science In general, in my bag, I was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. In my childhood and adolescence, I had already come into contact with the spiritual world, but this still troubled me; I still did not know for sure how to use my psychic abilities. For nineteen years I dedicated myself to the spiritist center and Johrei, where I learned about spirituality, the Flower of Light, Ikebana, natural agriculture, among other modalities that I still study and teach today.
This gave me more knowledge, confirmations and peace of mind. I worked for nine years in administration, but my heart was empty and incomplete. I wanted to make a difference and help others around me. That was when I decided to move to Australia and follow my calling, something I had felt since I was a child. I graduated in swimming, personal training, and nutrition and started helping people take care of their bodies through physical training and nutritional education. But my inner self was asking for something more.
Inspiring people to reconnect with their crystalline essence, their soul, and their best version, and to experience the path of enlightenment, to be in resonance with the new pattern of consciousness of the Earth and of all humanity.
Luciana Tworkoski
I had already been receiving treatment with some natural therapies, with the help of holistic therapists and meditations. I received messages that this was the path I should take, and although I felt called to act, I only did voluntary work. Of course, I was hesitant, but I opened my heart and told the Source of Creation that this was the way I chose to live on Earth; that it was so, that I found the right people and resources to make it happen, and that I was being guided by my Higher Self. Everything happened quickly, but when I thought about my past, I realized I had been on this journey for a long time; I just needed to recognize my choice.
I started to delve deeper into the laws of the universe, dimensions, akashic records, reconnection with the divine essence and trained in natural therapies such as Psionic Quantum Table (Régia Prado), Quantum Healing, Thetahealer, Access Bars, Facelift, Reiki (Usui), Seichim Seichem, Crystals, Ho’oponopono among others. That’s how I realized what resonated with my heart, what I chose to do here on Earth, energy of love for worlds and universes. This reconnects me every day more with my DIVINE SELF and strengthens me to lead other people to do the same.
Reconnect with your crystalline essence, accept yourself completely, to live your best version, choosing love over fear. And become light workers, helping others to resonate with the new consciousness of the planet, of all beings, of humanity. Thus was also born the Rainbow Flower Academy, Academia de Ascensão, along with my rebirth, the deep calling of my soul, to learn to serve and now, making room for more people to learn and serve the Highest good.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Luciana Tworkoski
Luciana Tworkoski began her training in administration, marketing and international trade. However, thinking of contributing to the well-being of others, she graduated in nutrition, swimming and fitness, helping people to take care of their body through physical training and dietary re-education. Along her journey of self-awareness, she found her true passion and purpose in various forms of natural, holistic and spiritual therapies, facilitating people in their spiritual, physical, mental and emotional balance and awakening. A born teacher and student of ancestral knowledge since childhood, she today shares all this information, teaching courses and workshops which help people to discover their full potential and expand their consciousness.
She is certified in Australia and Brazil in various natural therapies such as Psiônic Quantum Table (Régia Prado), Quantum Healing, Thetahealer, Access
Bar, Facelift, Reiki (Usui), Seichim Seichem, Crystals, Hooponopono and much more. In her classes, courses, workshops, 1×1 sessions, circles and retreats she integrates all these therapies, empowering people to discover their truth and become their best version here on Earth and be beacons of light for the awakening of humanity.
A combination of distance healing techniques, Psionic tables and video call.
*Without the Initial Healing Session – $288
3 Months of Holistic treatment for deep healing and guidance, creation of a new material and spiritual reality with deeper consciousness and self-healing.
A 7-month transformation with all the guidance above with focus on career, spiritual development, deeper connection with Inner Self and Inner Master, supporting your ascension path and leadership in the New Earth
Distance or in person – 1h
Combination of techniques such as:
At distance or in person for guidance, healing and connection with Spiritual and Galactic Team – 2h
In person – 2h
In person or at distance – 1h 30min
In person and online
Bookings & Payment options:
Fee for attending at home $25
Students have 10% discount
Booking prior 50% deposit not refundable
Any Questions?
Email: contact@rainbowfloweracademy.com
WhatsApp: +61 405140342
Email: contact@rainbowfloweracademy.com
Phone: +55 24 99322-1987
8/1 Corporation Drive, Ashmore – QLD – AU
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