
Reiki Masters Workshop

How to Initiate Children

Three-hour workshop for Masters in Usui Reiki to teach Reiki to children live online + recorded online classes.
All material to teach included. Reiki for Children course, promotes overall wellbeing, calms fears and anxieties, brings more self-confidence, better management of both inner and outer conflicts, reinforces the immune system, regulates sleep cycles, helps to control nocturnal enuresis, the child becomes more focused and concentrated, stimulates their creativity, decrease aggressiveness, in case of hyperactive children helps them to become calmer (Reiki
does not replace medical treatment but enhances it).

AUD 88

  • Course duration: Online live or in-person 3 hours + online theory video hours + practical mentoring. (Total 15 hours)
  • Material provided to the student for the course: Handbook and certificate in PDF.
  • Extra material to have during the course: Pendulum, notebook, pen, one diary, water bottle and food.
  • Material to work with after the course: Yoga mat or blanket, cover, pillow, Reiki diary.
  • Pre-Requisite: Usui Reiki I, II and IIIa and IIIb Practices before the course: The week before the course, eat light meals, drink plenty of water, meditate.
  • Practices afterwards: 21 days of Reiki practise and mentoring.
  • Entity linked to the course: Course registered with REIKI INTERNATIONAL, YIICT and ABRATH INTERNATIONAL.
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