
Rainbow Flower Ascension Circles

The Path of the Seven Rays was born in our beloved Academy through a meditation in November 2021. Where the message I received was understanding the essence and principles of each ray is a necessary path to be taken in order for us to enlighten and live an age of gold.

Without understanding and integrating the essence and attributes of each of the Seven Sacred Rays, we will experience enlightenment. For each of the seven emanations of God represents a path that needs to be taken for us to return home.

They are the school to graduate in our experience on planet Earth.On these paths, we need to pass through the energy of each one, understand what it represents and integrate this teaching and energy into our daily life.Once the violet ray has been integrated, the second part of the studies will be the conduct of Illumination ceremonies, which are linked to Master Saint Germain, where we will perform the ceremony of the Ascension Chair.

These ceremonies take place to help us to clearly bring forth the intention of why we wish to enlighten ourselves here, why we wish to serve Mother Gaia and assist her in the great transformation, living a path of pure love and light on Earth.

Making this journey with me, we will begin to work together in the enlightenment process so that we can access our Higher Self more deeply, and in this way bring forth our Light essence to live in harmony with Mother Gaia.As Kryon says: I recognize that I am an angel and live as an angel on planet Earth, I do not need to die to become an angel, I can be alive and experience a Light experience in this earthly experience. And if we all reach this vibration here on Earth, united, we will be able to anchor together the Age of Gold.

We are studying Ascension and practices that were born with Mother Isis’ blessing in 2019. Today we tread paths on the Rainbow Wheel, focused on the Studies of the 7 Rays, practices and Ceremonies, where each of the rays will show us the challenges and how to transcend them until we return to our pure Light essence.

When we remember that we are Light, we light up and experience the Earth through love. And thus help other brothers and sisters to tread this same path. Our brothers and bistres from Telos, Lemurians and all the star fraternities that have helped to light up the Earth have kept these flames alive, throughout all our time on the Earth in the darkness, and the call now is that we join together, remember and maintain the flames alive with them, to bring God’s rainbow on earth. If we forget it, it fades and we fall into the dark.

Mary Magdalene and Master St. Germain, went to central sun, together with several light fraternities, people from Venus included, united and built Shambala and Telos to help rescue the Earth and keep on feeding the Light until our people have the strength to do the same. Since 2012 we have awoken our hearts and we are called to join forces with our beloved Light Family.

That is why we call you to tread this path with us, the more people that tread the Path of Illumination through the Seven Rays, the faster the Illumination process of the Planet will be.

We will cross the bridge first and open the way for others to do the same. We will review the book by Aurelia Louise Jones called The Seven Sacred Flames and other amazing books to support our Journey. Are you ready to tread this Path of Love, Light and Ascension with us?

PRICE: AUD 25,00 per meeting

  • Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours live in-person or online.
  • Extra material to have in hands: a journal to jot down insights, a water bottle
  • Recorded online practices, live and sporadically hybrid and face-to-face meetings for the participants of the Ascension Membership only.
  • Material provided to the student for the meetings: Handouts and Materials in videos and PDFs for the participants of the membership only
  • Material to work on after the meetings: a journal
  • Entity linked to the course: Course registered with MY IICT

Monthly access to the platform of all recorded materials, plus live classes for the current month if you are part of the Ascension Membership.

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